Conservation Management Plan
Work Ongoing
This plan was first submitted in draft by NRCS Forester Joe Alley on May 11, 2004. The WHIP agreement was finalized on September 28, 2004. The WHIP plan was amended November 16, 2004 and the timeframe condensed on February 4, 2005 when work began. All timber stand improvement work was completed and approved March 18, 2005.
. Site visit and discussion with NRCS and MDC foresters: September 8, 2005.
. Prescribed burn school, live burn demo: September 9, 2005.
. Application for USDA Continuous Conservation Reserve Program, Northern Bobwhite Quail Habitat Initiative (CP33): October 5, 2005.
WHIP plan modified 2/28/2006 and 6/28/2007 to incorporate CCRP/CP33 with field borders now 120 feet and including gaps.

WHIP compliance approved September 2011. See Timeline and Tasks.

Timber harvest in 2015.
1. Forest Stand Improvement (FSI)
~ To improve growth of desirable trees (oaks in particular)
~ To create standing dead tree habitat (girdling poor quality trees)
~ To create some small forest openings (favoring shrubby browse growth)
~ To increase diversity (favoring less common species when they have a healthy appearance)
2. Permanent Forest Opening (PFO)
~ To address poor condition of sassafras, other trees
~ To provide haven for wildlife species
3. Native Warm Season Grass (NWSG) Planting
~ To add diverse mix of native warm season grass and forbs (now missing)
~ To manage vegetation through summer spraying to provide more forbs
~ To disk strip between NWSG and woods, producing firebreak and desirable weedy habitat
4. Woody Cover Control (WCC)
~ To create blended transition zone between timber and future grass stand (desirable for deer, turkey and quail) by cutting trees in 30' wide strip along field border

Conservation Plan Map 1 -- WHIP
Conservation Plan Map 2 -- WHIP/CCRP
Conservation Plan Map 3 -- Borders
Conservation Plan Map 4 -- Borders Update

Field 1. 26.2 acres
~ 11 acres come out of crop production for NWSG and vegetation management with 9.2 acres committed to CCRP/CP33 practices. Note: The field border is increased from 30' to 120'. Also see Stand 33306.
Stand 33301. 3.2 acres
~ WCC, heavy
~ Contains 2 large white oaks within a few hundred feet of each. Heavy FSI will produce more open conditions favoring white oak regeneration and improved wildlife habitat
~ WCC to provide openings for wildlife (browse), facilitate regeneration and provide excellent diversity in habitat
Stand 33302. 6.3 acres
~ FSI, heavy
Stand 33303. 32.2 acres
~ FSI, light
~ Mostly woody draws or riparian forest
~ Thin around selected crop trees only, leaving some areas untouched
~ Woody edge developing, edge feathering
Stand 33304. 9.0 acres
~ FSI, heavy
~ Heavy thinning because of high stocking levels
Stand 33305. 1.7 acres
~ Sassafras forest
~ Open up based on condition of trees (many don't look good)
~ This opening with surrounding forest will be haven for many wildlife species
Stand 33306. 0.6 acres
~ NWSG, Vegetation Management
~ Planting diverse mix of warm season grass and forbs is an important part of habitat management and missing from the acreage
~ NWSG is managed by summer spraying on a 3-year rotation. Also see Field 1.
~ Disking a strip between NWSG and the woods will produce a firebreak and also create a desirable weedy habitat
Stands 33307 and 33308 are untouched.
Stand 33309. 5.3 acres
~ FSI, medium
Stand 333010. 1.7 acres
~ FSI, medium
Stand 333011. 6.8 acres
~ FSI, medium © 2001-25 | webmaster